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  1. Incomplete uniform.

  2. Using cell phones/other digital devices during class hour. 

  3. Noise making/disturbance/standing or walking around the classroom/standing or seating on the table/Threatening, bullying, intimidating or provoking any member of the school.

  4. Disrespect to teachers.

  5. Cheating in test/ quiz/examination.

  6. Loitering around the school premises/visiting the toilet in group.

  7. Act of vandalism (school properties such as chairs and tables, books etc.).

  8. Fighting within the school compound.

  9. Leaving the school premises without a departure permit from the Principal.

  10. Eating in the classroom and littering the classroom/school compound.

  11. Late coming to school or classroom is highly prohibited and it is regarded as a serious offence.

  12. Act of stealing is regarded as a grievous offence.



Note: The sanctions for these offences range from suspension to

expulsion depending on the gravity of the offence at a particular time.

Phone: (+258) 826 555 550/ 826 666 660

Social Media: @grandeurinternationalschool

©2024 Webcontrol Limitada

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