Student Guidelines
Kindergarten/Primary & High School Department
Regular attendance for students to all classes is a must. If a student will be absent for medical or religious reasons, please contact the student’s adviser and send a letter duly signed by the parent explaining the cause of the student’s absence.
Kindergarten/Primary & High School Department
Classes promptly begin as scheduled. The students are expected to be in their classrooms ten minutes before the bell rings. Students who arrive after 8:00 a.m. must obtain tardy slip from the principal. No student will be admitted to class without tardy slip. If the student has 3 or more unexcused tardiness the principal will contact the parent and the student will be sent home.
Kindergarten/Primary & High School Department
Sport is also an activity offered in the afternoon. Each class has at least two sessions per week. Swimming, football, basketball and track/field events are among the sports activities taught to the students.
Permission to leave school premise
Kindergarten Department
Parents are encouraged to notify the office of the principal in writing, in case you want your child to leave the school premises before dismissal time 12:30/12:45 p.m. without the authorization of the parent.
Primary & High School Department
Parents are encouraged to notify the office of the principal in writing, in case you want your child to leave the school premises before dismissal time 1:30 p.m. without the authorization of the parent. No child will be allowed to leave the school compound.
Portuguese Classes
High School Department
Portuguese is a subject taught in the afternoon and it is twice a week for 1 hour each day. Students are grouped into different levels as a result of a diagnostic test. Level 1 is taught to all non- speakers and other levels are for those who already know the language depending on how much skill and knowledge the students have.